Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Things Get Weirder With Discussion of The Parallel Universes Of MH370
- Meanwhile, Bloomberg Jumps in with Vanishing Planes Mapped Since 1948
- But consider this: what happens if the missing Malaysia Plane is never found?
- Is Modern Day Ghost Hunting Disrespectful? So asks the Association Of Paranormal Study
- Want more Gralien Report? Subscribe to GRALIEN X for more weekly news from the Bunker
- The Fierce 2012 Magnetic Storm That Missed Us: Earth dodged huge magnetic bullet from the sun
- Retroactive Retrieval: NSA surveillance programs now reaching into the past to retrieve phone data
- Were They Dead Aliens, or just Special-Effects? Mysterious Universe is here with more
- This creepy unexplained broadcast is more than just a backwards music station
- Writers Wanted, Humans Need Not Apply: Robot Writes LA Earthquake Article
- Strange Booming Sound From Nature: The Singing Sand Dune Phenomenon
- Speaking of Sounds, Here’s a Refresher on the famous “Taos Hum”
- On Science, Vedanta, and the Question of Free Will

Considering Bloomberg;s vanishing plane map, it comes to my attention that none of the previous missing flights carried anywhere near the number of passengers as Flight 370.