Here are today’s headlines…
- Europa Lander Project could be Cancelled as NASA faces 0.8% cut in budget
- ‘Holey Smokes!’ April the Giraffe’s Calf is Poking Out of Her Side, Zoo Says
- Cheerios Offers Free Wildflower Seeds To Save The Bees: Why You Should Not Plant Them
- Physicists Find That As Clocks Get More Precise, Time Gets More Fuzzy
- Elsewhere, Has Physics Gotten Something Really Important Really Wrong?
- Mysterious Deaths in Manchester: Who Was the Hanging ‘Pylon Man’?
- Man 23-inches tall, worshipped as reincarnation of a Hindu God
- This golden tool discovered in Jerusalem cemetery leaves archaeologists stumped
- Were The Carolina Bays Formed by Frozen Debris From a Comet Impact?
- Yuval Noah Harari: ‘Homo sapiens as we know them will disappear in a century or so’
- Physicists declassified thousands of nuclear test films, and they’re on YouTube
- Cops admit sending officers to investigate UFOs after reports of flying saucers
- The ‘Codex Gigas’: A Bible Co-Written with the Devil
- Antarctica’s Secret Nazi Base: Separating the Fact from “Fake News”
- Bigfoot stops in to visit the Martin Park Nature Center