Here are today’s headlines…
- Brussels Zaventem airport rocked by two explosions, at least 34 are killed
- 10 Billion Tons Of Carbon Is Now Being Released Every Year, The Fastest In 66 Million Years
- Early Flash of An Exploding Star Caught For the First Time By NASA Kepler Space Telescope
- A Gas Pipeline Could Make Marfa’s Mystery Lights Disappear | Atlas Obscura
- Big rock crashes through windshield of car near home of ‘Bohemian Grove’
- New Evidence That City Birds Might Be More Intelligent Than Rural Ones
- Mystery of “Pink Lake” is Solved: Salt-Loving Microbes are the Culprit
- Listen to the eerie recording of a DEAD dog barking in haunted mansion
- Olivia Newton-John’s “Dead” Boyfriend Hiding Out in Mexico, Report Claims
- How false memory changes what happened yesterday
- UFO or swamp gas? MI’s “close encounter” 50 years later
- Science articles discuss wonders, complexity of Pluto system
- Comet Double-Whammy: A Lesson in Planetary Protection?
- This Week’s Night Sky: Watch a ‘Lite’ Lunar Eclipse
- Study Warns Monarch Butterflies May Be Doomed