Here are today’s headlines…
- 19 new-pieces of non-human DNA in genomes of modern humans found
- Gas Craters Off Norway Linked to Fringe Bermuda Triangle Theory
- ‘Northern Lights’ spotted on Jupiter as solar storms trigger massive X-ray auroras
- Kepler Space Telescope observes a Supernova Shockwave hit the surface of a Star
- Behold The Full, Round Body Of The Hybrid Air Vehicle
- 14 Year Old Achieves Hardest Boulder Climb Ever Done by a Woman
- Chimp who lived alone won’t let go of new friend’s hand
- This Forgotten 1950s Flying Trick Could Be the Secret of Future Drone Warfare
- Should Toyota Buy Robot Company Boston Dynamics From Google?
- Humanlike robot Sophie does not mind destroying humans
- Elsewhere: Why You Should Fear Artificial Intelligence
- Bright spots and color differences revealed on Ceres
- New Map of Mars’ Gravity Reveals Its Molten Outer Core
- HIV Genes Successfully Edited Out of Immune Cells
- Centers to Treat Eating Disorders Are Growing, and Raising Concerns
- The Sun Has Set in Antarctica… for 6 Months
- Meanwhile, Watch This U.S. Submarine Bust Through the Arctic Ice
- France’s Top Wines Face Climate ‘Tipping Point’