Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- London Skeletons Reveal Secrets of The Black Death
- Is Time Travel Going On All Around Us? This Week on Cosmos
- 7.5 Quake on California Fault Could Be Disastrous, Scientists Say
- Latest in the MH370 search yields few results… and fishing equipment
- Isolated Amazon Tribesman Startled After First Airplane Encounter
- Scientists say aging has been successfully reversed in mice
- Tony Morrill talks about Thoughtography at Forteania
- Can This New Software Can Detect Bigfoot Hoax Videos?
- Man Performs C-Section on Roadkill Porcupine, Saves Baby
- Did British Scientists clone baby dinosaur? Maybe not…
- Crows Solve Puzzles From Aesop’s Fables
Thanks to Milton Finch, Lindsay Morrison, Jonathan Wilson, Mark Brady, and Bon the Magi for links in today’s roundup.

I love the one about a baby dinosaur. So much was wrong with the story. They named one if the largest dinosaurs. The neck of the baby photoed was going to need steroids if it was going anywhere. I was looking forward to dinosaur neck barbecues across the nation!