Here are today’s headlines…
- NASA’s ‘Spaceport of the Future’ Reaches Another Milestone
- New map of rocky exoplanet reveals a lava world
- Controversial ‘Hobbit’ Fossils Deemed Older Than We Thought
- War of the Words: Earth is Being Invaded… by Alien Thinking
- Cats and robbers: police force considers using felines to fight crime
- Here’s How the Number of Fish in the Ocean Could More Than Double by 2050
- Japan’s lost Hitomi comes ‘back from the dead’ before vanishing again
- Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly
- Did a mysterious ninth planet wipe out the dinosaurs?
- Watch a giant hole being formed by an underground nuclear explosive
- US airline aborts flight after passenger opts for yoga over sitting down
- Monkey meat seized in world record food raids
- Watch Norway’s “Skiing Cat” in Action