Here are today’s headlines…
- Astronomers spot galaxy a record 13.4 billion light-years from Earth
- Huge space shuttle tank will make epic journey… from New Orleans to Los Angeles
- Scientists Say They May Have Found Cancer’s ‘Achilles Heel’
- Donald Trump Just Referenced His Penis Size in a Nationally Televised Debate
- Scientists unraveling mystery of rare whales off Madagascar
- Mysterious bacteria outbreak has now been linked to 18 deaths
- Errors riddled 2015 study showing replication crisis in psychology research
- Scientific paper saying human hand was designed by a ‘Creator’ sparks controversy
- With artificial ‘octopus skin,’ robots can bend and stretch while changing color
- LAPD testing knife found buried at O.J. Simpson’s estate, report says
- Astronaut returns to Earth two inches taller than twin
- Google is Constructing a Big, ‘Mysterious’ Radio Transmitter in Desert
- Mysterious ‘flying saucer’ French coin from the 1680s shows alleged UFO
- Omaha police officer has triangle UFO encounter
- MoD whistleblower says: ‘I saw UFO too’
- Scientists hotwiring brain to treat depression

UFO coin. It’s speaking of Ezekial. On one side of the coin, he prayed, proving his God was more powerful than Baal, who was the god who could make things grow and bring rain. He prayed and it did not rain. Notice the clouds above the shield or “UFO”. On the other side of the coin, we see rain represented. That was the answer to his prayer to God which proved that his God was more powerful than their god. It’s a lot deeper than that, I’m just giving you a quick overture.
Very good, Milton! Thanks for the explanation on that one. 🙂