Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Captured, a Crime Spree in Action… Through the Lens of the Hubble Space Telescope
- Study suggests we react subconsciously to events… up to ten seconds before they happen
- Science may soon make a reality of Jurassic Park… for Wooly Mammoths
- Nigel Watson comments on the UFO images in Snowden-leaked Powerpoint presentation
- A Spiritual Image Appears In Portland, Says the Dorset Echo
- Beatles Guitarist George Harrison ‘Lit Up the Room’ When He Died
- Veggies for Life: For ensured health and longevity, hold the meat, study says
- Bitcoin continues to go bust as a second establishment for the e-currency crashes
- “Don’t Call Me Superman”: Pope Francis described as “a man who laughs, cries, sleeps calmly and has friends like everyone else.”
- Spear-Heads and Holy Grails: 3,200-year-old ruins found in North Cyprus