Here are today’s headlines…
- Ancient stardust sheds light on the first stars
- Rare Whale Species Captured on Video for the First Time
- Coldest Spot in Universe Should Soon Be Aboard International Space Station
- Hyperloop Track Unveiling Brings Elon Musk’s Dream a Step Closer to Reality
- Bezos Aims Rocket Maker’s Ferocity at Tourism to Cut Space Costs
- MIT Takes A Step Toward Mind-Controlled Robots
- Three years on, investigators ‘optimistic’ MH370 mystery can be solved
- Evolving eyes may have dragged our ancestors out of the sea
- Study: California fault could cause magnitude-7.4 quake
- Raindrops Catapult Bacteria Into The Air, And It’s Beautiful
- New NOAA satellite tracks lightning in real time from space
- Outrage: Poachers break into Paris wildlife preserve and kill a rhino for its horn
- The original Cybermen will return for Peter Capaldi’s final Doctor Who episodes
- Bryan Cranston Returns to Power Rangers ‘Reboot’ (that’s right… RETURNS)
- The Earth Has Oceans And Continents: How Weird Is That?