Here are today’s headlines…
- Humans Are Probably Not the Universe’s First Advanced Civilization
- The Universe Has Trillions Of Life-Supporting Planets. Why Haven’t We Met Aliens?
- UC Berkeley Team Creates Complex Neural ‘Atlas’ Showing Where Ideas Originate in Our Brain
- Tailless Comet Nicknamed ‘Manx’ Might Be as Old as the Earth
- Scientists Discover New Subglacial Lake Beneath Antarctica’s Ice
- NASA Has Picked Science Museum To Inspire The Next Generation Of Science Explorers
- Successor Of Hubble Space Telescope Has Giant Mirror Coated With Gold
- Whodunit? Mystery Lines Show Up in Satellite Image of Caspian Sea
- Early morning “massive bang” reported at Meadowhall
- How SpaceX plans to land on Mars in 2018 using the most powerful rocket in the world
- UFO hunters claim video proves aliens fear imminent eruption of Yellowstone supervolcano
- Blackout in San Francisco – three fun experiences
- Help end prescription drug abuse by raiding your cabinets
- The Kennewick Man to be reburied by American tribes
- Report: Human Extinction Isn’t That Unlikely