Here are today’s headlines…
- This Dinosaur Duo Sported Exotic Looking Spikes and Horns
- A Mysterious Object Beyond Pluto Is Coming Into Focus
- EgyptAir Jet Disappears Over Mediterranean Sea; reports indicate a crash
- More on Egypt Air Crash, Possible Terror link, and debris at Middle Theory
- NASA’s Valkyrie robots set the table for human life on Mars
- Rocks record Totten Glacier’s rapid retreat history
- Researcher receives FAA’s latest UFO reporting procedures
- UFO Spotted Over Australia Really Is a Weather Balloon
- New NASA Maps Show Just How Fast New Orleans Is Sinking
- Are GMO crops safe? Focus on the plant, not the process, scientists say
- Mystery Canyon Road Causes Concerns, May Be Linked to ‘Strange Rumbling’
- Researchers create synthetic silk that mimics the phase-shifting behavior of webbing
- Alex Jones’ conspiracy theory about ‘transgender’ Michelle Obama killing Joan Rivers
- Recovering addicts explain why synthetic drugs are so dangerous
- Meanwhile, Pfizer blocks use of drugs in executions
- Some Stone Age humans returned to Africa