Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Fireballs, or UFOs? What are the strange Objects Falling Over China?
- Check out the amazing cloud supercell that wowed weather-watchers
- Study suggests heightened Antarctic ice loss may prompt volcanic activity
- While fish fall over Sri Lanka, 70,000 turn up dead off California coast
- European push suggests self-driving cars may hit the streets sooner than we thought
- The Unsolved Mystery Of Youtube’s Weirdest Channel
- “White Eye” Photo Reflections May Indicate Rare Cancer in Children
- The Bay Area’s Future Earthquakes: Knockout Blow, or Combo-Punch?
- Loch Ness Mystery Examines “The Carcass Problem”
- Physical reality is all just a “matter” of illusion
- Chinese Farmer Begins Growing Buddha-Shaped Pears
- Has the Skeleton Of Legendary Devil-Dog “Black Shuck” Been Found?
- New Book Draws From Stories Of Dying Patients And Doctors May Change Your Mind on NDEs
- The Murderous Mind: New Information on Why People Commit Mass-Murders
- Could the human body simply be a “projection” of consciousness?
- So long, GPS… here comes “quantum positioning”
- Dogs are found to be “incredibly accurate” in sniffing out cancer
- New study confirms the benefits of psychedelic mushrooms
- Trouble with Hypertension? Lettuce and Olive Oil May be a Remedy
Thanks to the indefatigable Lindsay Morrison (“oh indefatigable one!”) for links in today’s roundup.

Frankly, I had to laugh at the Black Schuck article. There are several breeds of giant dog that come from Europe. If this find had been made anywhere but in the vicinity of Blythburg and Bungay, the archeologists would have cataloged the bones and gone on without batting a lash. One suspects that this might have been a slow news day . . .