Here are today’s headlines…
- White House dodges ‘alien question’ amidst questions over Clinton’s UFO campaign
- State Officials Investigated Over Inquiry Into Exxon Mobil’s Climate Change Research
- Eagles of Death Metal France Concerts Cancelled Over Singer’s Claims of Muslim Conspiracy
- Missing EgyptAir MS804 conspiracy theory: It’s 804 days since MH370 vanished
- This Russian app lets you take photos of strangers and identify them online
- Obama launches a kid science advisors’ campaign
- What is New Horizons’ latest Kuiper Belt find?
- Pointy Nose, Snub Nose? These Genes May Decide
- Was mystery Meadowhall “explosion” caused by drug dealers?
- Hubble Telescope Captures Incredible Up-Close View of Mars
- Louisiana witness says jet followed UFO near Air Force base
- Elsewhere, witness reports helicopter ‘escorting’ cigar UFO
- Meanwhile, Radar Captured Devil UFO Flying to Australia
- Robo-bee: miniature robot perches like an insect
- Study reveals tiger sharks prefer waters off Maui
- Do Trees Sleep?