Here are today’s headlines…
- UFO News 2017: Bigelow Aerospace, Time To Put Up Or Shut Up
- Space industry CEO is ‘absolutely convinced’ that aliens have visited Earth
- More Commentary on Bigelowe’s UFO interests this week on The Gralien Report Podcast
- Elsewhere, J. Allen Hynek, the Professional UFO Skeptic Who Believed in Aliens
- Here, you can listen to the sound of space debris as it impacts a spacecraft
- NASA Wallops predawn launch to make colorful artificial clouds over the mid-Atlantic
- In a plot worthy of Indiana Jones, ancient Egyptian artifact missing since WW II is returned
- Egyptian Mummy DNA Study Suggests Close Ties With Middle East, Europe
- Luxury bath house from Roman Chichester unearthed by archaeologists
- Global Warming Will Cost Cities Twice As Much Thanks To ‘Heat Islands’
- Google’s breakdown of what Americans don’t know how to spell, state by state
- US Coral Reefs Could Disappear Within Decades, Scientists Warn
- If a nuclear bomb explodes nearby, here’s why you should never, ever get in a car
- The Moon May Have Frost