Here are today’s headlines…
- May the Fourth Be With You: Fans Celebrate Star Wars Day
- Earth may be home to a staggering one trillion species, scientists say
- Australia’s ‘Carpageddon’ to unleash herpes on invasive killer
- Alligator attempts to ring South Carolina resident’s doorbell
- IBM launches quantum computing for the rest of us
- New Woolly Wolf Species Discovered In Nepal
- Researchers have found a ‘striking’ new side effect from eating fast food
- Defense Claims ‘Mystery Man’ Is ‘Grim Sleeper’ Serial Killer
- Mercury Transit: Smallest Planet to Make a BIG Entrance
- More acidic seawater eating away at Florida Keys reef
- ‘UFO’ Jellyfish Spotted in Pacific Ocean: Creepy New Species Baffle Scientists
- Turkish witness photographs oval-shaped UFO
- Science lovers enthralled by crazy glowing jellyfish
- The Magic And Mystery Of Houdini And Doyle