Here are today’s headlines…
- NASA has recorded the first sounds of the eerie void inside Saturn’s Rings
- Stephen Hawking Warns We Must Colonize Another Planet Soon – Here’s Why He’s Wrong
- Tensions flare as scientists go public with plan to build synthetic human DNA within 5 years
- SpaceX to launch thousands of its own broadband satellites starting in 2019
- Thar She Blows: Tips To See Whales In Action Off The California Coast
- Detailed look at the global warming ‘hiatus’ confirms humans are changing the climate
- Unidentified ‘Ghost’ Girl Seen by Remote Camera in Upstate New York
- Update: ‘Spirited’ debate over ghost or girl mystery ends in NY town
- Mystery ‘shipwreck graveyard’ spotted on Google Earth by UFO hunter
- If we successfully land on Mars, could we live there?
- Edgar Allan Poe: visionary of big bang cosmology?
- When Sherlock Holmes Met Silicon Valley
- A ride on NASA’s eye in the sky