Here are today’s headlines…
- Scientists double life expectancy for embryos in petri dishes, raising ethical concerns
- The Search for Extraterrestrial Life Puts Astronomers at Odds, Not in Conflict
- Siri’s creators will unveil their new AI bot on Monday
- IBM invites users to test its quantum computer
- Where Do Trump, Clinton, And Sanders Stand On NASA?
- Governments should study worst-case global warming scenarios, former UN official says
- Reported Breakthrough in Growing Embryos in Vitro Could Raise Ethical Issues for Research
- District 9 in real life? ‘Secret alien invasion’ claims as UFO spotted in storm over South Africa
- Truth over Roswell FINALLY revealed? First ever UFO public inquiry ‘could have answers’
- Bigfoot Project Investments Inc. Announces the Exposure of the Hoax of the Century
- Documentary provides new evidence for famous military UFO case
- Ghostly Faces and Invisible Verse Found in Medieval Text
- Mysterious Braided Hair May Belong to Medieval Saint
- Ominous Curses And Dark Mysteries Of The Musical World
- Humans ‘Paid for Bigger Brains’ With Gas-Guzzling Bodies
- Meteor Shower Spawned by Halley’s Comet Peaks This Week
- Leopards Are More Vulnerable Than Believed, Study Finds
- Is Paranormal Research Dying?