Here are today’s headlines…
- ALMA ‘Weighs’ Monster Black Hole to Highest Precision
- ONU observatory hosts Monday viewing of Mercury’s transit
- Elsewhere, Mars and Earth are getting closer (for now)
- Questions arise about California doctor’s response to Prince
- Project will use DNA analysis to reveal more about Leonardo da Vinci
- This Guy Built A Homemade Hoverbike In His Shed
- NASA humanoid ‘starts work’ in British laboratory
- Startling new evidence ‘could solve Britain’s Roswell once and for all’
- Photographers Team Up To Explore The Modern UFO Myth
- MOD Statement About ‘Mystery Booms’ Says Aircraft Were Intercepting AirFrance Plane
- Hell No, the UAE Should Not Build a Rain-Making Mountain to Fix Its Water Problems
- Six new fossil species form ‘snapshot’ of primates stressed by ancient climate change
- Scientists double life expectancy for embryos in petri dishes, raising ethical concerns