Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- An Open Letter To The US Air Force Regarding Allegations Of UFO Disinformation
- Video purportedly shows triangular craft hovering over Taliban Camp in Afghanistan
- Dark matter and dark energy mysteries: Do neutrons hold the key?
- US Air Force to construct a new “air fence” to track orbital debris
- Are animals around Chernobyl mutating three decades after meltdown?
- Virtual Cosmos: Astronomers create the first realistic virtual universe
- Semi-synthetic organism successfully transmits letters in DNA alphabet
- The cover-up of this ancient excavation site has researchers dismayed
- Eat Your Veggies: Fruits and Vegetables Linked to Stroke Prevention
- Could HIV be better treated using molecules from soy sauce?
- Strange Creature: Behold the Primitive Hammer-Headed Worm
- An Ever-Curious Spirit, Unbeaten After 111 Years
- What’s Behind Reports Of Ghost Sex?
- Death Is Not Final: Live Debate
Thanks to Mark Brady, Lindssay Morrison, Jonathan Wilson, Gary Holloway and Ewill for links in today’s roundup.