Here are today’s headlines…
- New twist explains how a single giant impact could blast the moon into being
- ‘Violent, Vaporizing Impact’ Believed to Explain Moon’s Mysterious Tilt
- Pence: ‘President Donald Trump will lead America to the stars’
- Christ’s tomb uncovered: This is what experts discovered
- Students primed for ‘announcement of alien life’ with fake UFO crashes
- The Deadliest Volcano in the United States Just Got Really Weird
- How Statistics Solved a 175 Year Old Mystery About Alexander Hamilton
- DNA From Mystery Human Species Detected in Pacific Islanders
- ‘Bionic’ plants can detect explosives
- Video of ‘Strange Thing’ in Alaskan Water Goes Viral
- Who lives longest: meat eaters or vegetarians?
- Warm temperatures beginning to chew into old Arctic ice
- Uganda’s ‘Most Unusual Looking Person’ Launches Pop Star Career
- Flying Into the Storm: The True Story of a Harrowing Ocean Rescue