Here are today’s headlines…
- The World’s Biggest Telescope May Be Swapping Continents
- Curiosity has spotted a weird metallic meteorite on Mars
- MH370 out of control and spiraling fast before crash, report says
- Finally, See Prehistoric Woolly Mammoth Bones Found in SE Michigan
- Researchers reveal massive brine pool off the coast of New Orleans
- The Monster: A Rumination on Victor Frankenstein and the Horror of the Writing Process
- Penny Dreadful is making a comeback, but not how you think
- This is how the lone American in space already voted in the presidential election
- Turkey’s bloody coup attempt still covered by a ‘deep’ mystery, with questions left open
- UFO filmed after being summoned by group who claim to ‘contact aliens’
- Elon Musk is ‘risking astronauts lives’ experts warn NASA
- Eight years on, the mystery of Annie McCann’s ‘death by Bactine’ keeps unfolding
- Elsewhere, a boy’s death has been linked to a polio-like ‘mystery illness’
- Watch the moment explorers enter the ‘Jacuzzi of Death’
- Alaskan ‘Ice Monster’ Sparks Imaginations Online
- Did the moon help turn Earth right-side up?
- NASA is crowdsourcing ideas to study the surface of the Moon