Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- The Devil’s Footprints: What Occurred in February 1855 Near Devon, England?
- The Profound Near-Death Experience of a Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor
- Physicist Claims Martian Civilization was Wiped Out By Nuclear Weapons
- Priest Confirms Purported Exorcism Recorded Through Keyhole Is Real
- Elsewhere, Dr. Jeff Meldrum Confirms Todd Standing’s Claims
- Get More News of the Unexplained With The Gralien Report on Twitter
- UFO Hunters Spot “Castle Ruins” on Mars (Why Are They Looking for Castles?)
- Elsewhere, Dr. Jeff Meldrum Confirms Todd Standing’s Claims
- A 1,300-Year-Old Egyptian Book Of Spells Has Been Deciphered
- Ebola Deaths Nearing 5000, as Deadly Disease Still Rages On
- There’s a Suicide Epidemic in Utah… And One Neuroscientist May Know Why
- Triangle UFO observed hovering over Alabama I-459 bridge
- Crops help to drive greater seasonal change in CO2 cycle
- History of War: How World War One Produced the Holocaust
Thanks to Mark Brady, Lindsay Morrison, Jonathan Wilson and Todd S. Bryan for links in today’s roundup.