Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Chip Implants May Be As Easy to Install as Getting a Piercing
- Magneto Calling: Can Humans Actually Exhibit ‘Magnetic’ Properties?
- Pentagon is Seeking a “Protective Bubble” For Ebola Patients
- NASA worker claims to have seen humans walking on Mars in 1979
- World must harness ‘cosmos’ energy: Ex-cabinet minister Paul Hellyer
- Conspiracy? A Delta Force Operative’s Take on the POW/MIA Coverup
- Thanksgiving Science: Why a Little Gratitude is Good For You
- Kidnapped: 400-Pound-Bigfoot Stolen From Cincinnati Backyard
- Returned: 400-Pound-Bigfoot Makes its Way Home Safely From Kidnapping
- For ‘Many Worlds’ Theories, New Concepts Offer Insights on Old Ideas
- New Human Species Discovered in Ireland? Think Again, it’s Bogus
- Scientific Phenomenon Occurs Using a Plate to Create a Ripple Effect in a Pool
- Boomerang-Shaped UFO is Reported Zig-Zagging its Way Over New Hampshire
- 1,700-year-old Silk Road cemetery contains ancient Chinese mythological symbols
- The Dream World: “A blurring at times between spirit phenomena and alien encounters”
- What Humans Can Learn About The Past… From Studying Mass Extinctions
- Is Earth’s Sun Actually a Massive Solar Stargate?
- Let’s Go Soaring Over Titan
Thanks to Jonathan Wilson, Mark Brady, Lindsay Morrison, and Janet Fitzgerald for links in today’s roundup.