Here are today’s headlines…
- ‘Space Brain’: Mars Explorers May Risk Neural Damage, Study Finds
- Are new types of matter on the horizon? How Nobel Prize could boost research
- Harvard, MIT professors win Nobel in economics for research on contract theory
- St. Jude warns batteries in up to 350,000 defibrillators worldwide could short circuit
- NASA Planet-Hunting Kepler Spacecraft Captures ‘Big Picture’ Of Comet 67P
- Wikileaks: Clinton told of ‘Roswell whistleblower’ and where ‘UFO wreckage stored’
- Ghost Rocket? Apollo-era UFO Claimed as Evidence of ‘Secret Space Program’
- Fastwalker: UFO ‘120 times faster than plane captured on flighttracker’
- Did Castro spot a UFO? Cuban rebel saw ’round and enormous’ object
- NASA Captures Mysterious ‘Ancient City’ on the Red Planet
- New room found at San Jose’s Winchester Mystery House
- The Trouble With Sasquatch Reports in the British Isles
- X Marks the Spot: Why Are There X’s In The Desert?
- Major Dust Storm Could Soon Hit Mars
- The weird history of dog-headed men
- The Next Zika