Here are today’s headlines…
- Musk: No answers so far in ‘difficult’ failure investigation Falcon 9
- Elon Musk has ‘not ruled out’ a UFO hitting the SpaceX rocket that exploded
- 10 Percent of the World’s Wilderness Has Been Lost Since 1990s
- Police: North Carolina man arrested for ‘bogus clown sighting’
- In 1981, Clowns Allegedly Appeared Across Boston, Similar to Current Clown Panic
- How to Spot an Asteroid with Mobile Astronomy Apps
- The DEA Is Rushing To Criminalize Another Herb, And Congress Is Silent
- The Otherworldly Spanish Beach Where ‘Game of Thrones’ Will Film
- Judge a book through its cover with this terahertz camera setup
- Mars rover Curiosity views spectacular layered rock formations
- Bizarre conspiracy theory claims Taylor Swift is clone of Satanic high priestess
- Are the Brown Mountain lights real?
- Death, as a black hole

Have you by any chance seen this girl? I try to refrain from speaking about alien hybrids, but in this case I’m just thinking…………….WTF?