Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Reported UFO Filmed From Aircraft Window Shows Lights in “Saucer Shape” Over Europe
- Neil Degrass Tyson Gets Loosey-Goosey With Facts About George W. Bush Statement
- German Aerospace Center Confirms Discovery Of Microorganism Outside Space Station
- An 800-Man Operation in Australia Raids, and Foils, Reported ISIS Beheading Plots
- The Black Dragons of the Sea: Unusual, Sexually Dimorphic Mini-Beasts of the Ocean
- “Explosive” Wild Fire in California Prompts State of Emergency Declaration
- Ancient Pazyryk nomads carried out advanced cranial surgery in Siberia
- UFO Believers Still Citing “Tether” Incident as Proof of Extraterrestrial
- Children are revealed to be the metal workers of prehistoric Britain
- Possible Western PA Bigfoot Sighting Discusses Bigfoot Evidence
- Bogus: Magellan’s Encounter With 10-Foot Giants of Patagonia
- Fast-Moving UFO Filmed Flying Over Florida: OpenMinds Reports
- Could Humans Have Self-Healing Powers Using These Implants?
- Experts Say “Rockies Fireball” Was Actually A Russian Satellite
- Some Say Mystery Fairy Circles Still Defy Explanation
Thanks to Lindsay Morrison, Mark Brady, and Kyle Philson for links in today’s roundup.