We’re proud to be able to say that, well within 24 hours of our last broadcast Tuesday night, The Gralien Report managed to overcome our hurtles regarding podcasting and bandwidth issues, as evidenced by the last four editions of the show being made available for download again (with more past shows to be made available soon while we’re in the process of catching up). For all your help and support out there, we express our sincerest thanks to every one of you.
And in truth, some of you may now be able to help us even more, by clicking the Paypal donation button we’ve included in the middle column near the top of this page. Indeed, keeping an operation like this afloat is no simple task. Obviously, a lot of hard work goes into providing a weekly show of its caliber (I say this based on the constant feedback we get from folks like you, who are quick to tell us how The Gralien Report Podcast goes above and beyond the quality, clarity and content of the average podcast). But in addition to the hard work behind the short three hours we’re able to spend with you each and every week, there are, of course, the monetary considerations too. We have server costs for maintaining our online presence, in addition to the costly internet services required to keep live streaming available (another area that will get more and more expensive as we improve the way we provide what we do). We also pay for a number of services that allow us to make phone calls to guests, as well as allowing us to take calls during our live broadcasts from listeners who want to share their thoughts. Finally, we also have to pay additional fees for server access and storage space… not to mention the cost of maintaining a facility with all the equipment needed to provide a clear, professional-sounding, broadcast-quality program on a weekly basis.
That’s why, as we mentioned on the show this week, I encourage folks who enjoy The Gralien Report to consider making a small donation to help us keep this operation on the cutting edge of insight, education, and entertainment. While in the future there will no doubt be a number of projects associated with the program that will continue to assist in building revenue, at present we remain firm in our belief that The Gralien Report Podcast should remain a free download, available for promoting open and honest exchange of ideas; not just within the paranormal community, but also in the disciplines of science, spirituality, philosophy, and a multitude of related areas of interest.
Your feedback and support means a lot to us, and it will never go unnoticed. Thus, if you are also able and willing to make a small donation to help keep the esoteric airwaves their most-insightful, we encourage you to take a moment and click the Paypal button in the upper middle portion of this page. It only takes a few seconds, and no amount is too small…
Thanks in advance for your continued support, and we promise to continue providing you with the best weird news, anomalies, and exopolitics from BEYOND the fringe on a week-to-week basis for you, here at The Gralien Report!
Warm regards,
Micah Hanks, The Gralien Report
P.S. Just to give you an idea of how much some of you appreciate this program, here’s what one recent listener had to say:
“You are amazingly professional in your audio standards! I need to thank you as a listener, I feel like you respect your audience – and that means ME!”
That means a lot… hopefully we can continue to get feedback and support (in all its many forms) from fine listeners like YOU!
Image by WoodleyWonderWorks via Flickr.

Great to see GR is back in business! That’ll teach those NSA killjoys! 😉
I’ll try to make a donation in the near future; and I’m sure many more will follow.
PS: Now that you’re still tweaking the cogs of the site, couldn’t you remove once and for all that annoying ‘logging in’ requirement in the comment section? making sure visitors can leave out comments with ease is the quickest way to increase the Gralien’s influence on the web
Good grief! RPJ, thanks (again) for spotting the log-in situation. Why does my website have a mind of its own, and seem content on thwarting the functionality of this operation? ARRRGGGG!!!!!!
EVERYONE should be able to comment away now, and anonymously if they so choose. Come on everyone, let’s get this conversation started! 😛
Welcome back Micah, best show on the web! (Just don’t tell the MU guys)