While visiting some out-of-town friends a few months back, I had a really great discussion with my friend Rob involving the future of cyborg technology. The gist of the conversation dealt with two main points: 1) that cyborg technology is already here, and 2) that it isn’t as bad as some people would imagine. If anything, practical application of cyborg technology might be quite useful.
The first example Rob gave had to do with cell phones. “Just look how people act when the get all the way to work or school and realize they forgot to bring their phones with them. That alone shows you how dependent we are on little devices we carry around with us,” Rob explained. Indeed, this seems to be very much the case. People rely on cell phones for much more than just making calls; text messaging, with the popularity of social networking sites like Twitter, may be steadily wrestling the use of the phone calls away from cell phones as a primary means of communication.
Rob and I aren’t the only ones comparing cell phone use to the beginnings of cyborg integration. “As we advance, we will surely become more like cyborgs,” says Joshua P. Warren in his new book The Secret Wisdom of Kukulkan, “blurring the line between the current concept of man and machine. It’s already happening. How often do you see someone with a tiny cell phone/computer practically glued to their ear? In the future, we will be a combination of organic and inorganic.” However, our dependence on phones, according to some, isn’t necessarily a good thing. “Because of our technology dependency on cell phones, we don

Excellent post; and I agree with pretty much everything you wrote.
I reckon the same fears about losing mental capabilities were raised up the minute someone decided to store informaion hat was usually passed in oral tradition, using this weird new device called a “book” 😉
For my part, having something as Google that helps me quickly locate something without remembering it 100% is great. Often times I’ve found myself wanting to write about something on a blog, but then I have to make a Google search using a few relevant words to find exactly what I meant to use.
In fact, I have been thinking about moving this futher