At his recent speech for TEDx in Brussels, physicist and ufologist Jacques Vallee argued that, in order to advance, we must break ourselves free of our standard models of physics, and learn to think beyond our present notions of dimensions, time, etc.
Kudos, Dr. Vallee… this is precisely the kind of forward-thinking we need. And yet, somewhat remarkably, there are actually people out there who make remarks along the lines of, “there may be strange aspects about our universe that have yet to be discovered or understood fully.” No, really? I mean, come on… surely there aren’t still discoveries to be made anymore out there. By now, everyone should know that the religion of science (like most other religious institutions) is virtually already complete. We’re not looking for ground-shaking new truths anymore… we’re just looking for confirmation of the old ones.
Yeah, right. Over the last few months alone, the CERN researchers in Geneva have not only claimed that they may have observed neutrinos moving faster than the speed of light, but now they claim they may have even spotted evidence of an elusive particle known as the Higgs Boson, further shaking the accepted foundations of our concept of how the universe works.
According to the Wired Science blog:
“If the rumors are true, and the Higgs has been seen at 125 GeV, it could bolster the idea that there is physics beyond the Standard Model that describes the behavior of subatomic particles. A 125 GeV Higgs is lighter than predicted under the simplest models and would likely require more complex theories, such as supersymmetry, which posits the existence of a heavier partner to all known particles.”
While we’re still awaiting whether an announcement will be made (hence the part about whether “rumors are true,” we continue to press the boundaries of our long held scientific conventions. Who knows… by this time next year, we may be armed with new evidence of our reality’s inner workings, capable of forcing us to look at the world we know as the world we “only thought we knew.” Then again, in truth, it doesn’t take a psychic or a futurist to realize that this isn’t the world we think we know!
Image by Olivia Hotshot via Flickr.

Good for the CERN ladies & gents; don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan… but all this smashing particles to find yet tinier subparticles reminds me of something I read a while ago, which was part of a “novel” (in quotes because the author has always claimed the story is based on true facts) and also mentioned in the typewritten letters sent during the infamous UMMO affair to several citizens and scientists in Europe.
The idea in the novel (Caballo de Troya) and the UMMO letters is that all these subatomic particles of the atom’s nucleus are nothing but an illusion. In reality the Universe consists of a single fundamental particle that in the novel is called a ‘swivel’. And that what gives the illusion of different particles was the swivel’s property to change its axis of rotation. The novel is actually quite technical and lengthy about all this, and its a pity it has never been translated to the English language
The ‘swivels’ sound a lot like supersymmetric string theory, in which all of what we observe as particles are actually just Planck length strings vibrating at different harmonics.
I am with you Red Pill Junkie!
Quantum physics tells us that particles only appear to those who look for them. The quantum matrix exists a wave forms. These waves only become particles with the intention of the observer to measure them as particles. Otherwise, they act as waves.
Knowing this, what does this tell us about all those myriad subatomic particles theorized by particle physicists? Nobody has seen practically any of them. They only exist as theorized “particles” based on measured mathematic anomalies. The physicists attribute those anomalies to theoretical “particles”. Who says they are particles? Only those who believe that everything is made of particles. They expect particles and that is what they get, just like quantum physics tells us.
This seems to me a very elaborate form of a dog chasing its own tail. Only when the physicists stop seeing everything as particles, will they begin to have a clue. My opinion is that they have been looking through the wrong end of the microscope.