The strange hexagon shape on Saturn’s north pole, photographed last year (but initially discovered in the 1980s), has drawn quite a bit of interest from various experts in the scientific community, as well as speculation as to what exactly might have caused it. For this, there are many theories, including a sort of standing-wave pattern in the atmosphere, or perhaps even an aurora-like manifestation. Now, after the harsh Saturnian winter has subsided (the last time they celebrated Spring on Saturn was thirty years ago), the best images of the planet’s large hexagon have been made available. Behold the gigantic, geometric storm that has been brewing on the ringed planet’s northern extremity:
ABOVE: Saturn’s peculiar hexagonal weather system, image courtesy of NASA.
In a NASA press release detailing the Cassini Equinox Mission, details were given regarding these most magnificent images:
After waiting years for the sun to illuminate Saturn

Given that the circular winds surrounding the Hexagon are constant at speeds in excess of 300 MPH, *somebody* is expending tremendous amounts of energy to maintain its structure, which otherwise would have been literally ‘blown away’ long since.
If the core of Saturn is composed of a torus of [superconducting] metallic Hydrogen, as that of Jupiter is believed to be, then it is worth considering what sort of megascale engineered physics might be at work here.
The Hexagon is 24,000 miles across and extends at least 75,000 feet into the Saturnian polar clouds. Its been stable for at least 30 years, and cannot possibly be a natural phenomenon. Hadnt we better find out who built/maintains it, and why?