This week we look at the history behind the famous Ray Wallace Bigfoot hoax of 1958, and the earlier American origins of the Sasquatch.
This week we look at the history behind the famous Ray Wallace Bigfoot hoax of 1958, and the earlier American origins of the Sasquatch.
This week we are joined by Jeffrey Meldrum, Ph.D., who discusses the science behind Sasquatch and similar “relict hominoids” purported to exist around the world.
This week we look at the issue of Sasquatch, why a body has never been found if they do exist, and the controversy over whether a specimen should be killed to settle the debate.
This week we explore the history behind Sasquatch in a survey of historical evidence, famous hoaxes, and notable eyewitness encounters with America’s elusive great ape.
This week, we devote a lengthy discussion to the famous Patterson Gimlin film of 1967, which purportedly depicts a female sasquatch walking near Bluff Creek, California.
This week, we look at some of the best April Fools Day hoaxes throughout history, especially those with paranormal themes involving mystery beasts, UFOs, and other oddities.
This week we turn our attention to the subjects of folklore and cryptozoology, as we present an elaborate survey of “American Monsters” said to exist in various parts of the United States.
This week, in addition to news and debate over the ethics of robotics, we look at 19th and early 20th-century newspaper reports that weighed in on the debate over the existence of sea serpents.
On this edition of the podcast, we discuss reports of “wild men” in America, and whether these involve a monster, popular myths, or perhaps most frightening of all… actual men living “off the grid”?
This week’s podcast features a panel discussion with lecturers attending the 2018 Esotericon at King’s College in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
This week on The Gralien Report, we examine reports of mystery beasts of Africa, along with historical sightings of “ghost planes” in parts of Europe.
This week on The Gralien Report we discuss mythic encounters with larger than life beasts and “wild men” in ancient manuscripts.
This week on The Gralien Report, we remember the life and work of biologist and “cryptozoologist” John Bindernagel, Ph.D.
This week’s podcast looks at stories of wild men, and of railroad workers and locals in New Jersey who encountered a seemingly feral human in the early 1900s.
This week on The Gralien Report, strange encounters with mysterious beings in our woodlands is the focus of conversation. Are there “wild people” in our forests and National Parks?