This week on The Micah Hanks Program, we reopen the case files on the Chicago O’Hare UFO Incident and look at its implications for aviation safety.
Tag: UFO
This week we are joined by Rich Hoffman of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies for a discussion about scientific efforts to analyze and assess unidentified aerospace phenomena.
This week on The Micah Hanks Program, we look at the strange history of “The Pentacle Memorandum,” and its controversial relationship to UFOs and government secrecy.
This week we break down the latest New York Times story on UFOs, and examine the controversy that has resulted after its publication.
This week we look at cases where close encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena led to injuries and other strange effects on the witnesses.
This week, we go in search of answers behind the Stephenville, Texas incident, which remains one of the strangest and most compelling UFO events of the modern era.
This week, we look at claims that a forthcoming New York Times article will explore the idea of UFO crash/retrievals and whether the idea is purely legendary, or has some basis in fact.
This week we discuss the Navy’s UAP Task Force with reporters MJ Banias and Tim McMillan, and the history of antigravity with journalist Nick Cook, author of “The Hunt for Zero Point.”
This week we are joined by folklorist Thomas E. Bullard, Ph.D., who discusses his career in the academic study UFOs, and his book “The Myth and Mystery of UFOs.”
This week we look at “paleo-SETI,” scientists who have studied UFO reports from classical antiquity, and whether space explorers might have even visited Earth in the ancient past.
This week we are joined by Brett Tingley, writer for The Warzone, and USAF veteran navigator Jeff Smith to discuss newly released Navy pilot reports of encounters with mysterious “rogue aircraft.”
This week we delve into what NASA has to say about unexplained aerial phenomena, as we go in search of the U.S. space agency’s “secret” UFO files.
This week we look at the famous Condon Committee report of 1969, and the role that media outlets like The New York Times have played in steering public perception of the UFO phenomenon.
This week we are joined by Jeffrey Meldrum, Ph.D., who discusses the science behind Sasquatch and similar “relict hominoids” purported to exist around the world.
This week we explore the UFO topic and abduction claims through the lens of myth and psychology with David J. Halperin, author of “Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO.”
This week we explore the idea of interstellar probes, the mysterious ‘Oumuamua, and whether evidence of extraterrestrial visitors from beyond might have already been discovered by scientists.