This sounds familiar… following a dismissal by government officials of there being any extraterrestrial presence on Earth, journalist Leslie Kean, author of the book UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record, has shared her own thoughts as to why the well-intended (but inherently flawed) “We the People” petition calling for alien disclosure failed. As usual, Leslie is right on the money with her analysis, as well as her criticisms of the poor wording of the petition, and expressed virtually the same sentiment that I did in this article here at The Gralien Report only a few weeks ago.
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How can you not see the elephant in the living room? The Rothschilds commissioned the writing of ‘The Protocols of Zion’ in 1776. Have you not read them? They decide what we will be told. Stop making excuses for them. As long as all our governments are controlled by them we will never get to the truth. You are chasing your tail. Wakey wakey, Ed.
For me, one of the most succinct explanations for the lack of progress in ufology is summarised as…
“Three points hamper progress in our attempt to solve the saucer riddle for the world – (1) the wastage in energy through lack of coordination; (2) lack of funds (all work has been by private initiative, enthusiasm and sacrifice); (3) absence of a workable denominator acceptable to all the current concepts of Ufology.
…The tendency toward division is much too strong by reason of the many theories, interpretations, claims and opinions possible.”
Not bad, huh? Sure, it misses some other significant points, but it was written in the September 1959 issue of the Pretorian monthly, ‘Approach.’
Quite prescient…52 years later and it’s hard to argue that much has changed.
Points 1 and 3 are co-dependent and bordering on impossible to overcome; we’re individuals with our own ideas and tend to agglomerate around people and ideas with whom we share traits or they support/ validate our own perspectives.
Point 2 still stands and a lot of money has been thrown at the subject without much success.
What can be done? What would take it all into another level? Would more, coordinated funding reap rewards? Maybe a $ billion slush fund would help?
I honestly don’t think this would take us further than acknowledging, scientifically and politically, that unknown phenomena exist. Reading between the lines, this has been done by GEPAN (Cometa), Grudge and others already.
This brings us back to points 1 and 3. Do we put the funding into DMT research? What about passive radars? Maybe regression hypnotists? We can’t leave out the channellers and experiencers can we? Who would allocate funding and on what basis?
We could fund ‘think tanks’ but they tend to churn out self-serving BS that’s politically/ideologically motivated. In the UFO field, Nick Redfern wrote about the ‘Collins Elite’ and their ‘it’s demons’ perspective. Greg Bishop related the alleged AFOSI ‘it’s evil aliens’ deflection and Condon said it’s all nonsense.
Maybe the billion$ I used for argument would be better off spent on education or food stamps? Put some poor kids through college or build schools in Somalia? It’d be great to think that ‘disclosure’ would transcend all these obstacles and yet, deep down, if we think about it, those thoughts from ’59 would still be hard to overcome.