I’m very pleased to announce that New Dawn Magazine’s Special Issue # 17 just arrived in the mail here at Gralien Headquarters, and the publishers have alerted me to the fact that it’s also available for download, in addition to purchase as a hard-copy, from their website. Here’s the link:
New Dawn Magazine UFO Special Issue: Download for just $5.95
I was very pleased to contribute my own thoughts about the state of modern Ufology to this new edition of the magazine, and thank Editor David Jones and the fine staff at New Dawn for putting together a thought-provoking look at the newest, most innovative research in the field today. As someone who devotes the majority of his time to the serious, scientific study of UFOs and unexplained phenomena, this magazine comes with only the highest recommendations… I strongly urge folks to take a look at it, and to consider buying a copy for yourselves.