Michael Cohen of All News Web recently discussed a video sent to him from Norway, in which a “UFO” appears hovering over a group of trees. The alleged craft, according to Cohen’s contact, was captured by witnesses on cell phone cameras; additionally, one individual managed to retrieve a video camera prior to the object performing “an extreme acceleration manoeuvre” and disappearing. Below, for your viewing pleasure, is this “incredible” video… followed by some brief commentary of my own:
Here’s the most I’ll say about this one: I was fairly unimpressed with what appeared to be an object visibly wobbling as though appended from a string. So far as the “extreme acceleration manoeuvre” the witness describes, it looks more like the object was being passed in front of the tree in the background, as the cameraman conveniently dawdles long enough for the object to remain concealed there before panning to the right of the tree, as though the craft had simply vanished (in fact, between 4:03 and 4:06 in the video above, one is almost given the impression that the object is still visible, dangling directly in front of the tree, though the extremely poor quality of the video, as well as the jerky camerawork, makes this virtually impossible to discern).
Glancing at a few of the comments YouTube users were leaving, my opinion on the matter appears to be part of a greater consensus:
“Nobody would start recording before running back to film, and if they did; they sure the hell would not keep the camera pointed forward the whole time. It’s easy to see that this was done for dramatic effect. You can also see the object wobbling, they did a poor job constructing it.”
“It acted like one of those ‘contactees’ UFO’s. It moved like the wind was tugging the? string it was dangling from.”
“4:03 fake.”
These days, it’s easier than ever before to create deceptively simple ruses for the sake of entertainment, or sometimes for the sake of trying to skew facts and conceal inconvenient truths. For instance, during the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a big stir was made about what appeared to be Photoshopped images released by BP depicting various stages of the cleanup process (BP later acknowledged that they had in fact doctored the images). Similar occurrences “crop” up (yes, the pun was intended that time) with UFOs, again thanks to the availability of video and photo-editing software.
But in a way, I’m almost glad to see that we’ll occasionally still be treated to charmingly simplistic fakes, the likes of our recent “Norwegian UFO.” There’s something strangely comforting–perhaps nostalgic–about viewing UFO videos and images that, by comparison, would make Billy Meier’s saucer photos look like incontrovertible evidence of an extraterrestrial presence. Much in the same spirit of the famous “Contactee” era photos, these folks represent a lasting faction of those who are willing to put a little sweat into constructing simplistic hoaxes and pull the wool over people’s eyes; but in this case, it doesn’t look like anybody is really being fooled. However badly these sorts of hoaxes may be executed, in the long run, the more of them we continue to see, the easier it should be in the future to discern “the real thing,” if and when that ever arrives.

Did someone give Billy Meier an iPhone for his birthday? 😛
LOL! Yeah, maybe so, RPJ!
Real ufos do wobble. Ever heard of the “falling leaf effect’? I’m not saying this one is necessarily real, I’m just pointing out a long reported characteristic of the phenomena.
Real ufos do wobble … but only on Cohen’s website. Most others would be too ashamed…