Above is a sneak preview of the upcoming “Planet Weird: Engage the Strange” documentary series, put together by our friends at the Who Forted? blog. This will be a very unique (and at times very humorous) documentary that will discuss everything from underground “cave alien” bases to the (sometimes terrifying) connection between abductions and hypnosis, Bigfoot calling in teh rural foothills of the Eastern United States, vampires in New Orleans, and much more.
And of course, at the :34 second mark, you can see a sneak peak of Greg and the gang’s adventure scaling cliffs alongside Table Rock, North Carolina, along with The Gralien Report’s own resident intrepid adventurer, Micah Hanks.
You can also “Like” the Planet Weird: Engage the Strange on Facebook: Who Forted? Documentary on Facebook.
Created in the fall of 2008, WF? began as a weekly blog about the misadventures of a few jaded paranormal enthusiasts, and before long, it had morphed turned into an online destination for anyone with even a passing interest in all things weird. Boasting a diverse roster of contributers, including writers, artists, paranormal investigators, skeptics, film makers, teachers, and radio show hosts, to name a few, the

Summer 2013? ZOMG! This is from the future!!!