I wanted to share a link to a free download of the all new INTREPID Magazine for all you regular Gralien Report readers out there. If you’re looking for brain-stretching commentary on all things strange and anomalous, as well as a little politics, holistic medicine, art and culture, and a bunch of other interesting topics, INTREPID is not a magazine you’ll want to miss.
Featured in this brand new issue is an article by yours truly, discussing whether people who claim to see UFOs are crazy (if you read this blog very much, you probably already have an idea what my stance on this is). Plus, you can read Nick Redfern’s “Kingdom of Kreatures” column, Craig Hines’ take on Glenn Beck’s “psychobabble,” a World War II era historical piece by Taira Lamphere, Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman on “The Code of Creation,” and psychic Chip Coffee dishing on… well, everything.
It’s a brand new mag crammed full of all things esoteric and interesting… be sure and have a look by clicking here.

Hey, this looks like my kind of ‘zine! 🙂
I notice that the publishers are deliberately skewing the usual graphic elements used (and abused!) by Fortean magazines.
While I applaud the choice of looking for a less-sensationalistic approach as a way to give the semiotic message that this publication is taking a serious approach to the paranormal phenomena, I must admit that the tone of the mag is hard to “read” from the art-cover alone.
I think that using beautiful but ambiguous-enough art to attract the eye-balls of the potential buyer is not a bad thing. I would suggest the kind of imagery that you yourself choose to illustrate the posts in GR.
With all that said, I wish you and your colleagues a lot of success with this new enterprise (pardon the pun).